Kendall Square

Catalyst Restaurant’s Chef-Owner William Kovel’s Pan Roasted Blue Cod


Pan Roasted Cod
• 1 6oz Portion of Blue Cod
• 2 tbs Canola /oil
Smashed Potatoes
• 5 Yukon Potatoes
• 1 Cup Olive Oil
• 2 Cups Sour Cream
• Salt to taste
Herb Chowder Nage
• 1 Idaho Potato
• 1 Large Celery Stalk
• 1 Onion
• 1 qt of Heavy Whipping Cream
• 1 Cup Chopped Bacon
• 5 Cups of Fresh Fish Stock
• 3-5 Shucked Mussels
• 3-5 Shucked Clams


  1. Bring two pots of water to a boil, season with 1⁄4 cup of salt in a pot. In another pot,
    reduce fish stock and heavy cream until you have 1⁄4 the original amount, then reserve.
  2. Cut Idaho potato and celery into a very small dice (brunoise). Boil the diced products for
    approximately 30 seconds, until just cooked, spread on cookie sheet to cool.
  3. Place the 5 Yukon potatoes in the other pot of boiling water and cook for 15-20min until
    the potatoes are fork tender.
  4. Rice the potatoes in a food mill, mix with olive oil, sour cream, and salt until desired
    flavor is achieved. Potatoes should be smooth but soupy. Reserve the potatoes in a
    casserole dish and wrap with aluminum foil.
  5. Place a medium sized sauté pan (preferably nonstick) over high heat on the stove.
    Drizzle in canola oil, when it begins to lightly smoke, add fish to pan presentation side
    down. Be careful not to splash yourself with hot oil.
  6. Sear fish on high for approximately 2 minutes until a golden brown crust is achieved,
    then place in a 350 degree oven until the fish is cooked throughout.
  7. While the fish is in the oven heat up your potatoes and add celery, potatoes, bacon, and
    shellfish to the reduced cream and stock, simmer approx. 2 min until the shellfish is
    cooked and warm throughout.
  8. Serve in a bowl, potatoes on the bottom, chowder sauce around the potatoes, with the
    fish going on top. Garnish with finely cut chives.
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