Kendall Square

Engineering Serendipity During a Global Pandemic

When it comes to business development and networking in the age of COVID-19, no one knows where to start. Business centers once bustling with lunch time rushes, coffee meetings and West Wing inspired “walk-and-talks” are being hit the hardest by empty offices and hibernating storefronts. In Kendall Square, undoubtedly one of the places where serendipity happens regularly, many organizations large and small are asking themselves: Kendall Square evolved into a powerhouse of invention and progress because of the power of proximity. Water cooler conversations at coworking spaces, introductions at in-person networking events, and surprise interactions on sidewalks or in local restaurants have historically been facilitators of innovation and collaboration. As we begin another season of remote and shift work, many organizations, large and small, are asking themselves:

How do we recreate the power of Kendall Square’s proximity to accelerate innovation through collaboration and partnerships? 

Earlier this month, we hosted a Future of (how we) Work Task Force Meeting where we heard from business development leaders at Johnson & Johnson Innovation, MassVentures, McDougall Advisors, and LabCentral about how they are overcoming challenges and generating opportunities to inspire innovation and collaboration. Here’s what we’re learning:

What are the biggest problems associated with a lack of proximity?

Who’s the most vulnerable right now?

What are some bright spots during this paradigm shift?

How can we use this moment to realize new opportunities for connecting?

As we prioritize growth and recovery in the year ahead, our networks must expand to help us achieve our goals and benchmarks for progress. With another season of separation and solitude looming, we must use this moment to engineer new outlets for Kendall’s serendipity—like our Future of (how we) Work Task Force, which enables new connections and dialogues on issues that matter. Collaboration is in Kendall’s DNA, and our innovation ecosystem has never been more poised to experiment with these new opportunities to hone our most valuable resource for recovery, our network.  

What new ways of connecting are working for you and your colleagues? Tweet or post your ideas using #KendallConnects and we’ll share the best ideas in an upcoming newsletter.

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