Kendall Square

Kendall Square Rallies to Support Ukraine

Photo via MassLive.

Over the weekend, MIT and Harvard students (pictured above) gathered for a demonstration in CambridgeThey join communities around the world protesting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Organizations here in Kendall are speaking out and providing their support, too.

MIT announced it will sever ties with a private undergraduate university in Russia it helped establish in an effort called the MIT Skoltech Program.

“We take [this step] with deep regret because of our great respect for the Russian people and our profound appreciation for the contributions of the many extraordinary Russian colleagues we have worked with,” read a portion of the statement published on the program website.

Skoltech scientists echoed the sentiment of loss of community and progress.

“Having unleashed the war, Russia has doomed itself to international isolation,” wrote Skoltech Professor Mikhail Gelfand in an open letter condemning the invasion of Ukraine. “This means that we, Russian scientists and journalists, will no longer be able to do our job in a normal way because conducting scientific research is unthinkable without cooperation and trust with colleagues from other countries.” Over 600 Russian scientists have signed the letter in support of peace.

Kendall Square companies are responding as well. Google and Facebook are at work battling disinformation online about the conflict. Others have voiced their support on social media, including the Broad Institute and the CIC. Still others, such as Mamaleh’s Delicatessen, are donating proceeds from sales to benefit Ukrainians in need.

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