While colleagues are gathering in person more often this year than last, there is a noticeable shift in how—especially when it comes to celebrations. Instead of big, catered events, most organizations are opting for small sit-down meals. Instead of in-office gift exchanges, groups are gathering outdoors.
Not only are these options safer, they also seem to provide a morale boost compared to the huge holiday parties of years past. A small group gathering means less small talk and more meaningful conversation; an ice skating party offers more movement and, likely, a lot of laughs. Holiday cheer is alive and well in Kendall, so let’s celebrate our new spin not just through year end, but year round!

What is your company doing to celebrate the holidays—and each other—this year? We’d love to hear from you and can include your new traditions on our social channels to share with our community just tag us on Instagram @ksq_association
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