Transportation Funding
KSA supports a comprehensive approach to transportation funding. Governor Healey launched the MA Transportation Funding Task Force in 2024 to recommend a long-term sustainable transportation funding plan that would address a looming fiscal cliff at the MBTA and the need to fund an array of transportation priorities. The Task Force released its Final Report in January 2025, and offered a three-pronged strategy to stabilize, enhance, and transform the system while sustainably funding transportation state-wide.
In 2025, Governor Healey announced plans to make $8B in investments in the state’s transportation system over the next 10 years, without raising taxes, by maximizing Fair Share revenue and other existing resources. This represents the largest state transportation investment in more than 20 years, and will be part of the Governor’s budget proposal.
Grand Junction
KSA is a proponent of activating the Grand Junction corridor for transit and as a multi-use path. This corridor has long been considered an untapped opportunity to connect growing areas of Boston and Cambridge. To support the growth of the Commonwealth’s innovation economy, including development in Kendall Square, frequent transit service alongside the multi-use path on the Grand Junction is essential.
The Kendall Square Mobility Task Force, established by MassDOT, laid out Grand Junction as a priority investment in 2017. The City of Cambridge and MIT have worked together on the planning and design of the multi-use path alongside the tracks. The MBTA’s 2020 Rail Vision Plan included a rail shuttle linking North Station and a future West Station.
The Cambridge Redevelopment Authority’s 2024 Grand Junction Transit Feasibility Study concluded that there is measurable demand for frequent rail transit service connecting North Station to Allston via Kendall Square, and a two-track alignment with electrified train service at 15-minute intervals alongside a multi-use path through Cambridge makes sense.
KSA Executive Director Beth O’Neill Maloney was recently appointed to the Allston Multimodal Project Task Force where she strives to optimize the West Station/Grand Junction connection.

Bike Safety is a KSA priority. In support, KSA partnered with BXP and Cambridge Bicycle Safety to host a bike safety event in December 2024 providing riders with free lights and reflective tape, along with healthy snacks.