Welcome to #KendallsFutureIsBright Weekly Scoop! Each Wednesday, we’ll bring you a new best of Kendall spaces and places to explore with friends and colleagues. This week, let’s look at some of the best places to eat outdoors – because as New Englanders’ know, September is the best month of summer.

Whether you’re back after a long hiatus, have been here all along, or are joining us for the first time, welcome, dear friends. The Future is Bright.
Be on the lookout for next week’s #KendallsFutureIsBright Weekly Scoop: Green Spaces. Let’s continue taking care of one another, our city and our world.
Looking for more things to do and see in Kendall Square? Check out our new hub for all things culture in KSQ: https://kendallsquare.org/the-future-is-bright/