Designing Product Families – Online Course
In today’s highly competitive and volatile market, rapid innovation and mass customization offer a new form of competitive advantage—pushing organizations to implement strategies for designing and developing an entire family of products. In our eight-week Designing Product Families: From Strategy to Implementation program, you’ll explore how product architecture, platforms, and commonality can help you deploy and manage a family of products.
Learn more and register:
Participant Takeaways
– Grasp fundamental concepts in product architecting such as architectural decisions, decomposition and function-form mapping during conceptual design.
– Identify major contemporary methods and tools for product family and platform design.
* Understand how benchmarking can assist platform and product family design.
– Understand organizational issues such as divergence in platforms and management roles in platforms.
– Leverage platforms for identifying new market and product opportunities to generate revenue growth.
Get started today!
Hosted By
October 5, 2021 12:00 am – 12:00 am