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How Are Cancer Researchers Fighting COVID-19? (Part III)

SOLUTIONS with/in/sight: How Are Cancer Researchers Fighting COVID-19? (Part III)
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. EDT
Luria Auditorium, Koch Institute and live-streamed on Zoom

All in-person attendees must abide by current safety protocols.

The third in a series of COVID-specific with/in/sight events, this evening program will present updates from three projects begun in spring 2020. Find out how MIT faculty and clinical investigators are addressing urgent and pressing needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Featured Presenters:

Angela Belcher, PhD
James Mason Crafts Professor and Head of the Department of Biological Engineering
Novel materials for PPE

Hojun Li, MD, PhD
Charles W. (1955) and Jennifer C. Johnson Clinical Investigator
On-demand protective immunity testing

Michael B. Yaffe, MD, PhD
David H. Koch Professor of Science; Intensive Care Physician, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Overcoming respiratory distress

Moderated by Jane Wilkinson
Executive Director, Koch Institute

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