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MIT Volpe Redevelopment Project Community Meeting

MIT is hosting a community meeting on the Volpe Redevelopment Project. Please join
us if you are interested in learning more about this exciting initiative in Kendall Square.

MIT Volpe Redevelopment Project Community Meeting
Wednesday, October 21st
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Register in advance to receive login information for this online Zoom webinar:

Project Overview:

In 2017, the City Council approved MIT’s rezoning of the Volpe property, allowing for a
master plan to be advanced to the Planning Board. We are hosting a community
meeting to inform the community and seek input on this proposed plan. The Volpe
redevelopment will be a mixed-use project including four commercial buildings and
four residential buildings, and will provide the following community benefits:

• Approximately 1,400 units of housing, including approximately 280 affordable
units and 20 middle income units
• $25.5 million for design and construction of an on-site community center and
endowment to support operations and ensure ongoing affordability
• Over 2 acres of permanently guaranteed community open space
• Active ground floors with retail and other public uses throughout the site
• A Job Connector, currently operating at 792 Main Street in The Port
neighborhood, including $1.5 million to fund operations and programming
• Approximately $33 million to the Affordable Housing Trust for commercial
linkage payment ($19.10/SF)
• $8.5 million for transit improvements to reduce vehicular traffic
• $8.5 million to community fund to be distributed to Cambridge non-profits
• Access rights along MIT property conveyed to enable the creation of the Grand
Junction multi-use path plus $8.5 million for design and construction
• Approximately $23 million annually in taxes once stabilized on a currently tax-
exempt site
• $1 million for innovation arts program to recognize innovation and
entrepreneurship in Kendall Square

We look forward to seeing you on October 21st!

  • Date

    October 21, 2020 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Register/More Info